
The guide of illustration

Specifications of my illustration

Some of my articles will have illustrations, so here I will list the specifications. It will help me maintain the unity of the illustration style.


The background width should be 1200 pixels, and there is no limit for height; it’s all dependent on the content.

The background color is #EEEEEE, that’s because my blog used white and black backgrounds, so it should have some different can let the reader distinguish them.


Font Size

The first should be shape size, but it depends on the content, so there is no limit for size. But we can define the font size for shape content.

  • The size of the title is 32 pixels.
  • The size of the content is 18-24 pixels.

But they are not a fixed limitation because sometimes we should use the appropriate size according to the content.

Text color

Only have two types of colors:

  • Black: #555555
  • White: #FFFFFF


I used a set of colors from the Coolors website. Those colors look like this: /the-guide-of-illustration/illustrations/color-set.png


All the rectangles should be rounded rectangles with a bit of drop shadow.

The radius of rectangles should be 10 pixels.



  • Line thickness is 2 pixels.
  • The radius of the bend is 10 pixels.
  • If it is a dotted line, the length of the dot is 5 pixels, and the pitch is 5 pixels.

